To the girl with low self esteem.
Dear Insecure Girl,
It’s such a shame, don’t you think? That some of the finest things in life go unnoticed. If only you knew how important you are and how many people care about you. You should love yourself as much as the world does. Stop thinking that you don’t matter because you do. When you stare in the mirror for hours on end at what you believe is such a mundane figure looking back, remember one thing; that all too familiar reflection that you think is undesirable and unlovable is nothing but a daisy in a field of roses.
You’re beautiful when you laugh, when you walk, when you speak, and when you dance. You’re most beautiful when you are your most genuine self. You’ve looked in the mirror with shame and disgust at your reflection, one too many times. No one deserves to feel the way you do.
Not skinny enough, not pretty enough, not tall enough, not nice enough, not smart enough. Stop worrying about what you’re not enough of and start thinking about what you have that makes you so special and unique. Think positively and surround yourself with people who exemplify true friendship.
The way you feel about yourself is more important than the way anyone else feels about you. This means, that your self worth is self defined. Being a girl is such an amazing and beautiful gift in itself. Your a rare form of life and your individual qualities that seperate you from the world are what make you, you. Be unapologetically sexy, be creative, be intelligent and most importantly be confident.
You're going to be told "no", your going to be called many names and given many titles. Remember this, every girl has something they don't like about themselves it's a given fact. You are a women and that means you have come a long way since the beginning of time. Believe in yourself, even if no one else does.
Maybe at some point in your life someone told you harsh things that weren’t true, either to tear you down or make you feel worthless to build them selves up. Human beings are cruel and judgmental creatures. We envy the things we wish we could have and we fear the things we do not understand. Perhaps it is because deep down we all share the same insecurity in common, which is never being good enough. You have a heart filled with more love than you could ever imagine giving.
Next time you feel worthless, next time you doubt your abilities, or feel insignificant and you ask yourself: “Who would really choose a daisy in a field of roses?”
I can assure you, anyone would.
A Daisy